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Palais Des Cartes Inc (Le)

932 Av Ste Croix
Montreal, QC  H4L 3Y6

(514) 747-3986

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Reviews [1]
1 star rating
nimnim November 13, 2008, (Edited April 24, 2010)
Palais des Cartes discriminates !!

I enjoy collecting cards, baseball, hockey as well as other sports... and I've been to several different card shops around town.

Palais des Cartes has to be the worst one, not because they don't have a good selection of cards, but simply because their big fat hairy owner is a jerk!!

When I requested to look at a particular card from his showcase, he refused to take out saying "I don't think guys like you can afford a card like that".

I continued looking at around and requested to have a closer look some other cards, again he said he didn't want to bother since he knew that I was pobably not able to pay for them!!

This p@!%!d me off, since he doesn't realize that he's not talking to a teeny-bopper but a 30 yr old professional who makes a fair amount of money.

I start to wonder if he's a racist and simply assumed that someone of my skin colour and ethnicity can never have enough money to purchase something so expensive.

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