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4.5 stars 6 reviews

A & W Restaurant

5415 50 Ave
Vegreville, AB  T9C 1W8

(780) 632-7792

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Other Reviews from the web
4.5 star rating
Great for fast food place
July 19, 2014

We all got served what we liked with no waiting. It was very clean. The food was great tasting and staff was very pleasant.

Brought to you by tripadvisor

4.5 star rating
Cold day outside, very nice inside
October 09, 2013

While working in Canada I stayed in Vegreville and had meals that were very good. The people that work at the A&W are what makes this a great place.They are very polite and helpful, they bring your meal to you. A very clean estabishment where all the employees take pride in doing their jobs.

Brought to you by tripadvisor

4.5 star rating
local folk always there right at 9 am
January 22, 2013

Enjoy the local flair.... a meeting place favourite. Coffee and conversation rivalled only by Tim Horton's.

Brought to you by tripadvisor

Business Description from the Web
September 03, 2013

A & W Restaurant offers these services: restaurant.

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