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3.5 stars 3 reviews

A Little Bit Of Hanoi

100-560 Johnson St
Victoria, BC  V8W 3C6

(250) 388-6830

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3.5 star rating
August 28, 2012

This place has some beautiful stuff from scarves, to beautiful plush animals from Vietnam. However, the woman running the store had a serious attitude problem. She yelled at me for picking up one of the stuffed animal merchandise. Saying she would get it off the shelf for me. There was no sign telling me I couldn't touch anything, or not pick up the animal. She grabbed one from the shelf for... more

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3.5 star rating
February 18, 2012

Great shop with handmade Vietnamese goods and arts at amazing prices.

Yes the owner is intense, but definitely not pushy. She's just super passionate about all the wares she sells.

Picked up a super cool handwoven bead lamp for only $18 including the light fixture. From durable bamboo bark placemats to silk sheets and beautiful oil canvas paintings, there's something for everyone.

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3.5 star rating
August 05, 2011

The woman who runs this place is intense, but the shop is cute. Just off the beaten path from Chinatown, I stumbled in here. Loved the cure stuffed animals and puppets, would have been perfect for kids. We bought 3 silk scarves. Great selection of colors and styles at good prices. Lots of other cute crafts, too.

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