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5 stars 2 reviews

Rodrigues Rose Dr. - Optometrist - FCP Eyecare at the Sheraton

100 Richmond St. W, Suite 331, Sheraton Center Hotel on the PATH
Toronto, ON  M5H 3K6

(416) 367-3937

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5 star rating
Terrific Service!
June 12, 2011

I'm new to toronto and I needed to get my eyes checked as I couldn't make it "home" to get them done. The receptionist was wonderful and so was the doctor! She is now my eye doctor home away from home! I refer her all the time!! Regarding my contacts the receptionist shopped around for me, very helpful!!

Brought to you by yellowpagesca

March 26, 2011

Dr. Rose Rodrigues is more than just an eye doctor, she throughly examines your eyes and suggest adding different fruits and vegetables to your diet to help strengthen your immune system to protect your eyes. Her appointments are on time and your treated like a person rather than a number. I would thoroughly recommend Dr. Rodrigues.

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5 star rating
a great optometrist personable, on-time, connected
November 06, 2010

i had a problem with my eye and was seen that day, with no waiting, I was referred to a spacialist at St. Michaels that evening and scheduled for an additional exam the next day at St. Michaels.

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