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4382 Hastings St
Burnaby, BC  V5C 2J9

(604) 665-5900

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What the community has to say about RBC ROYAL BANK

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2.5 star rating
October 26, 2015

I had went on a trip for my sister's wedding, I had given my brother my bank card. Yes, I know now that I violated the contract with RBC about giving someone else my card and pin number. It's my brother, it wasn't a big deal to me at the time. I had apologized, and explained my situation to the teller. He works in the same work place as me, and I asked the Manager if he can pick up my cheque... more

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2.5 star rating
August 10, 2015

This is the worst RBC I've ever visited in my life. The female teller I spoke to seemed reluctant to deposit my cheques. She kept on asking questions about the information on the cheques, including payer's name, amount of payment, cheque's issuing date, etc. I've never heard so many questions when I deposited cheques -- other banks simply checked my ID and verified my information, and that's... more

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2.5 star rating
December 04, 2011

Big fan of RBC, both as a business client and as an individual.

For all of my business career, I've been directly involved in dealing with the banking needs of the companies I've worked for. I've had business dealings with most of the major banks and thus far RBC is the only bank that I would recommend.

RBC seems to have a 'can-do' type attitude which differs drastically from the other banks... more

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2.5 star rating
February 12, 2011

I nice bank that has a security person who always opens the door for clients. I've never had a bad customer service experience at this branch and all the tellers are extra friendly. But what else can be said, it's a bank.

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