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3.5 stars 4 reviews

Niagara Falls Aviary

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5651 River Rd
Niagara Falls, ON  L2E 7M7

(905) 356-8888

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3.5 star rating
December 23, 2010

Want to go somewhere where the birds are so beautiful, you get dizzy?This was a happy stop! Rainbow lorikeets, oh my! I had four of them on me at a time! They are little clowns! Who knew? Oh, my kingdom for a picture! They did not allow personal cameras to be brought into the lorikeet handling area. I understand that -- they charge money for pictures that they take, then sell you -- but at the... more

Brought to you by yelpca

3.5 star rating
August 13, 2008

My 8 year old wrote:"I think that the aviary should get some parrots that could fly down on the visitors arms and shoulders, and were allowed to be pet.". Overpriced. Birds sing great.

Brought to you by yelpca

3.5 star rating
Niagara Falls Aviary
June 20, 2005

Take a tour through a beautiful pathway and through an indoor garden, like a greenhouse, to see birds from all over the world. The birds are very colorful. And you can even buy a cup of food to feed them.

Brought to you by igougo

3.5 star rating
Niagara Aviary
May 27, 2004

The Aviary at Niagara is location in the Capital Hill area of the main town, near to Rainbow Bridge.

After buying your tickets, you go up an escalator to the first area. You are greeted at the entrance and given a large colour sheet with pictures of all the birds, so you can identify them as you go. This area has a large caged area with lots of birds, both in the trees and on the ground. The... more

Brought to you by igougo

Business Description from the Web
July 26, 2013

Niagara Falls Aviary offers these services: tourism, touristic.

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