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3.5 stars 8 reviews

Cash Converters

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34-180 94 Ave SE
Calgary, AB  T2J 3G8

(403) 252-2897

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3.5 star rating
October 25, 2014

The name is pretty self-explanatory: this is a pawn shop, in other words, a place where you can convert your unwanted items into cash. Or, if you're in my family, a place where you can convert cash into tons and tons of video games.

The selection of items is pretty decent...they have sports equipment, AV equipment, DVDs, games, game systems, household items, musical instruments, etc. However,... more

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3.5 star rating
February 09, 2014

I've had two experiences here in the last half year or so and they've both been different.

The first one was last summer when I moved back to the city. With my lady and I moving in together we had a bunch of electronics that were duplicated or just didn't really need cluttering up the condo. After looking at what I could potentially sell everything for on Kijiji I decided it wasn't worth the... more

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3.5 star rating
March 25, 2012

There is a lot of stuff here. The prices seemed good, but I could find nothing to buy. I liked that the items all had prices on them and same type items were together. I will check back again as I'm sure they will have something for me next time. I liked the layout.

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3.5 star rating
November 14, 2011

An awesome way to waste the time you have to get rid of, Cash Converters is full of secondhand CDs, DVDs, blu-rays, and their recent addition, vinyl. A good subtitle for this place would be Treasure Hunters because not only is it an extremely lame name, but because the people stalking its aisles are there to LOOT and PLUNDER and dig up treasure!

My favorite finds here:
- first-run prints of... more

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3.5 star rating
June 17, 2011

Great place for rare and old movie finds, with the sun setting on blockbuster, I have a feeling that I'll be frequenting this place more for my collection building.

The few times I've visited this place, I've been able to score films, games, and tv shows I would normally ditch @ hmv or eb games because it would be too expensive. I don't mind second hand, in fact I like to brag I buy second... more

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3.5 star rating
March 14, 2011

Cash Converters! Wow! This place is interesting to say the least! Its basically a chain pawn shop with more of an open feel. I have to say i come here quite a lot! sometimes weekly to make my rounds with my pal Dan D.

Cash Converters is all about the waiting game, You walk in week after week and hope that something is waiting for you hidden in a pile somewhere! and then, when you see that rare... more

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3.5 star rating
March 13, 2011

I return to this Cash Converters time and time again.

Maybe it's the $3.00 DVD section that is buy 5 get 1 free.

Maybe it is the friendly Eastern European dude who always seems so happy to know that all is right in the world when Kenny and I come in on a Friday afternoon.

But whatever it is, if this Cash Converters was a bar, it would definitely be my local.
Where everybody knows your name... more

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3.5 star rating
December 02, 2008

Cash Converters is an excellent place to pick up someone else's garbage for a low price. The place carries all manner of second-hand sporting goods, electronics, musical equipment, CDs, video games, and more. Usually, people come here to sell them stuff when they're low on cash.

What makes Cash Converters different than a pawn shop is that there's no assumption that the poor jackal selling his... more

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Business Description from the Web
July 22, 2013

Cash Converters offers these services: jeweller, music store, cds, compact discs, second-hand store, tools.

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